
Gilly’s Alfresco Timber Oil


Protect your outdoor timber and furniture from the harsh Australian sun with our tung oil based finish. It contains added UV protection and is perfect for timber under alfresco, shade cloth and verandas. This oil seals and protects from water damage and wear, making it ideal for both new and older timber. It contains no lacquer or silicone, making maintenance easy and providing a beautiful natural finish. For use on Alfresco timber & furniture, timber trims & frames, outdoor tables, window sills.


Make sure the surface is clean and dry before application. Use a natural citrus solvent or a turpentine for a vigorous clean, or an all-purpose cleaner for a lighter clean. Thorough cleaning is important to ensure the tung oil can cure properly.

Brush or rub the oil into the timber with lighter coats. Let it sit for 5 minutes after the first coat, then wipe on more oil to areas that become dull as the oil soaks in. After another 5 minutes, wipe off any excess oil with a clean cloth and rub it back vigorously. Repeat this procedure for each coat. Wet sanding is optional and generally only necessary for porous timber. Apply 3 coats, waiting 24 hours between each coat. Apply more coats if desired or necessary. Hang out any rags or soak them in water to avoid combustion.

The oil takes 24 hours to dry between coats and up to 4 weeks to completely cure. Light usage is perfectly fine during this time.

For maintenance, reapply the oil following the same steps above if the finish gets scratched or damaged. There’s no need to sand it back like with lacquers, varnishes, and silicon-based products. For general maintenance and wear, assess as necessary and reapply a light 1-2 coats every 6-12 months to keep your timber looking fresh.

Clean Up with D-Limonene or mineral turpentine.
  • Use in a well ventilated area. Wear a protective mask, if in enclosed space.
  • Gloves are recommended
  • Hang out rags to dry, or soak in water. Don’t leave scrunched up.
  • May contain traces of bee pollen & soy

Ingredients: Tung oil, plant oils, eucalyptus essential oil, citrus terpene, UV stabiliser, soy bio-solvent, low odour solvent

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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

250ml, 1L


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